Everyone knows that On Hold Marketing is saving lives as an effective blood thinner. Its contributions to America's space program have been front-page news for decades. And since it's both strong and sensitive, On Hold Marketing gives the best shoulder rubs - the kind that make your eyes roll back in your head.

But we don't create OHM content to make the world a better place. 

We do it for the awards. 

That's why we're happy to announce that this BusinessVoice production for Wellington Implement was a double winner at the 2022 MARCE Awards ceremony, earning the "Most Entertaining" trophy and a Judge's Choice honor.

One judge wrote, "[This] made me want to listen to the next message all the way through." Another judge noted that "This is very entertaining. The situations really enhance the brand." We think the third judge may have been on a smoke break when it was time for giving feedback. 

Scott co-wrote the piece with Daniel DiManna, provided the voiceover, directed post-production and wrung out all the excess water into a large metal tub. 

The Experience Marketing Association presents the MARCE Awards each year to honor the year's best On Hold Marketing.


Wellington Implement sells tractors, planters, combines and other equipment to farmers in northeast Ohio. So, to get in the right frame of mind before recording the company's On Hold Marketing productions, Scott fills the studio knee-deep with cow manure and at least three sheep.

Scott co-wrote the copy with BusinessVoice Creative Consultant Daniel "Electric Fence" DiManna. The session was engineered by Josh "Agricultural Disaster" Jump. Catering services were provided by Uncle Billy's Hog Products.


What's at the core of man's inhumanity to man and how might we address it in a way that produces meaningful change? 

Those are just a few of the questions that remain unanswered in this Humor On Hold production created for Downey Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Electrical in Bowling Green, Ohio. 

Scott co-wrote the copy with BusinessVoice Creative Consultant Cassandra Evans. Amy and Scott provided the voiceover from inside a reinforced concrete sewer pipe. 


Listening to this Humor On Hold production for Binkelman will probably be the highlight of your day, which is an urgent sign that you may need a better life. 

Scott wrote the copy, recorded the voiceover and then stepped outside of the BusinessVoice studio to cough up what he thought was a chunk of lung. Turned out to be a small sack of marbles, which was pretty weird.  


In this video for BusinessVoice, Scott tries to talk marketing with his dad, who, judging by his voice, is a small, fuzzy cartoon character. 

Scott wrote the script and served as the on-set wig wrangler. 

These ridiculous, little TV commercials that aired in the weeks before Christmas 2021 have captured the world's attention!

Actually, that's not even close to true, but the campaign did win a 2022 Silver Telly Award

Each year, the Telly Awards honor the best work created for television and other video channels. Judges review more than 12,000 entries from all 50 states and five continents, including the misunderstood undersea world of Wetlandia.  

Produced for MadAveGroup, the spots drove viewers to the HangTheWreath.com website, where they could read about the cast, download a screensaver and discuss their wreath-related troubles with a licensed counselor. 

Scott directed the campaign and co-wrote the spots with Michael Seay, who, ironically, is deathly afraid of wreaths. 

No one slapped anyone at this year's Communicator Awards ceremony, primarily because there was no ceremony held. If there had been, though, it's likely that dozens of people would've been attacked, since the presentation of marketing awards often brings out the most violent tendencies in an audience. 

This Humor On Hold produced for BusinessVoice client Lakeland Auto and Marine won a Gold Award. Scott wrote it, and both Amy and Scott provided the voiceover. Before being released, the audio was sucker punched repeatedly to ensure it could withstand the naked aggression of the busy awards show season. 


If you're a typical American, you've fallen into your share of pits. So, you're sure to relate to this Humor On Hold production for Binkelman. Scott wrote the copy on the steep, rocky walls of a deep, inescapable shaft. Amy and Scott delivered the voiceover not knowing if or when the ground would give out beneath them, sending them cascading into the dark abyss of Mother Earth's bowels. 

When writing copy and delivering voiceover for a client, Scott tries to imagine himself in the audience's flip-flops. That's why this Humor On Hold production for Town and Country Resort in San Diego feels likes it's covered in sunscreen and sand fleas. Try to get through it anyway. 


Do you enjoy a good buffet? A well-stocked jukebox? A pegboard full of screwdrivers? 

Sounds like you appreciate variety, friend. So, sure as shootin' you'll get a kick out of this Humor On Hold sampler. It features work for several BusinessVoice clients, produced from April 2021 through March 2022. Scott wrote all the copy using a wide array of implements, from pencils, crayons and chunks of charcoal to a paint roller, a tube of Brylcreem and a pyrography pen from a 45-year-old wood burining kit. Amy and Scott provided all the main voiceover using only their voices.