Lakeland president Chris Hamman referred to one portion of this production as "pure comedy gold." We can only assume he hates the rest of it.

You probably don't know Chris personally, but based on what you can glean about him from the two sentences above, which part of the audio do you think he liked best? Send us your answer on any size index card or the back of a soup can label or a stray piece of concrete that fell from the underside of a decaying bridge. 


Moments before Scott wrote this Humor On Hold copy for longtime BusinessVoice client Binkelman he was smelting a small batch of pig iron. That process always puts him in a jovial mood. There's just something about initiating the physicochemical reaction of ore in a specific atmosphere that gets his creative juices flowing. So, you're sure to notice a light-hearted air in his words and presentation. Or maybe not. 


When your toilet's jammed up, you shouldn't have to hold in silence after calling your plumber. That's why people challenged by plumbing trouble are raving about the Humor On Hold they hear when calling Downey PHCE in Bowling Green, Ohio. 

"No, it's not silence, that's for sure," said one caller. 

"Yeah, I heard it," gushed another. 

"What's this about? I don't have time for questions," snapped a third caller. 

Scott co-wrote the copy with BusinessVoice Creative Consultant Cassandra Evans. Amy and Scott delivered the main voiceover through two lengths of three-foot PVC pipe connected by a 45-degree elbow. 


Ever wonder what three Silver Medal Award winners talk about when they get together virtually? 

Yeah, neither does anyone else, but AAF Toledo recorded the conversation anyway.

Scott joins Mark Reiter from Level 2 Audio and Bill Sattler of Madhouse for a no-holds-barred rant-fest about our nation's feral cat problem, sideburns, homemade electricity, the funny smell that old people give off and the current state of noodles.   


Amy sprays her friendly energy all over this radio spot for Bowling Green State University's Preview Day. The commercial was produced by all-around good guy Mark Reiter at Level 2 Audio. The feel of the spot is so positive that it just may allow you to repress your uncomfortable memories of dorm food. 

Probably some time next week, the Earth will explode or be swallowed whole by the Sun or fall off its axis and roll into one of the galaxy's rougher neighborhoods. When it happens, we'll all be doomed. But at least we'll have our memories of this Humor On Hold production from BusinessVoice. Scott wrote the copy while whistling his favorite dirge. Amy and Scott added a touch of apocalyptic whimsey to their voiceover. 

When you hit the play button below you'll pay a visit to the small town of Wellington, Ohio and get to know a few of the characters who show up at Wellington Implement now and then. You're more than welcome to stand there and look at 'em all. Or feel free to pull up a chair and relax among the tractors, balers and corn headers. 

Scott provided the slightly crotchety voiceover and co-wrote the copy with BusinessVoice Creative Consultant Daniel DiManna. 


This three-spot TV campaign for MadAveGroup probably puzzled a few folks, but we saw that coming.

The goal was to drive curious people to the website Once there, they could vote on where to hang the wreath, leave comments, download a free HTW screensaver and even meet the cast of the commercials.

By scrolling down a bit more, visitors could see that MadAveGroup was behind the campaign. We thought that if marketers and business owners liked the cryptic approach we used to attract them to the website, they might contact MAG to develop a similar strategy for their companies. 

But we didn't realize the spots would emit noxious fumes that would overwhelm the community and ruin Christmas for everyone. Lesson learned. 

Scott directed the spots and co-wrote them with Michael Seay.


If you love a parade, you'll want to listen to this Humor On Hold production created by BusinessVoice. It features live coverage of the Binkelman Holiday Parade. If you don't love a parade, you might as well just shut it down because there's no hope for you.

Scott wrote the copy after a near fatal brush with a bad baton twirler. Amy and Scott recorded the voiceover along the parade route amidst steaming piles of horse excrement. 

Way back in 2014 when this piece was produced, we could poke fun at fruitcakes without fear of retribution. That's a little trickier these days, but we're willing to risk the clapback and share this video.

It was part of a holiday package created through MadAveGroup. Scott wrote the copy, provided the voiceover and is ultimately responsible for all the pain this piece has caused over the years. 

After visiting, MadAveGroup client Chris Mitsos wrote, "So simple, yet so genius. I sat there for five stupid minutes waiting for something to happen!"